Sunday, August 3, 2008

Idol Time

While Dave lives in the hotel with his teammates.  He stops in periodically and this was a night in particular that he came home.  Darius decided to start taking pictures of us.  He actually did a great job!  Eventually I grew tired you will see!
While Dave is away it can become very lonely around the house. This weekend in particular I really tried to keep busy.  We usually hit the children museums or something indoors because the heat is brutal right now.
Darius loves doing crafts he is really serious about painting...
Darius being rubbed with sunscreen by our nanny 
Dev man catching waves
I got the opportunity to attend a concert and had a blast...
I wasn't suppose to take a picture, but couldn't resist, I guess that's why it didn't come out!  Anyway it was a group named Maze featuring Frankie Beverly.  I grew up with their parents love them!
We ended the weekend with crafts again!


Maureen said...

The beach looks so nice right now! except I bet it is hot. it looks like you are keeping the kids busy & having fun in FL! do you miss TN?

Sharon said...

Love your hair. Glad you got to go to a concert. I bet its nice having a nanny help out:) I know you must miss your hubby. Kev goes out of town next week...i hate it! Your little ones are so cute! Getting so big! Hope all is well. Keep the posts coming.

Christy said...

Wow, you have been up to alot!!! You are now in Florida? You are always on the go!!! The boys are growing up so fast!!! I had no idea that your oldest has Autism, sounds like you all are doing everything possible to help him!!! Great posts!

Kameisha said...

Yes! The sand was really hot that day! We had to keep our shoes on and run to the water. Really don't miss TN :( I had to break down and get a nanny it was too hard for me and training too! Just too much at times.

Lindsay said...

You are such a good mommy! I hadn't seen a good picture of Devin yet. He is a cutie. He looks like his daddy and Darius looks more like you. :) Having two kids without help would be ridiculous. Glad you got help because I am sure it makes you a better mommy!